【星期二齊齊飛!揀星期二出發 票價 85 折 📣✈️】

【星期二齊齊飛!揀星期二出發 票價 85 折 📣✈️】
【15% Discount on Tuesday Flights 📣✈️】

由即日起至 9 月 30 日,凡購買於星期二由香港出發既單程/往返經濟艙或商務艙機票,輸入「85TUE」即可享八五折優惠*!目的地包括曼谷、首爾、台北、東京及峇里島等多個熱門城市。每次預訂最多 5 個人,大人細路都用得。即上 https://bit.ly/852HKA 買飛啦

訂票日期: 即日起至 2024 年 9 月 30 日
旅遊日期: 2024 年 8 月 27 日至 12 月 10 日

*備註:1) 優惠碼活動只適用於香港航空官方網站內訂購的機票,須輸入相關優惠碼作直接優惠扣減。2) 各航班於網站系統可選擇之日期或有不同,詳情以網站顯示作準。3) 詳情請參閱相關條款及細則。

From now until September 30, enjoy a 15% discount* on one-way/round-trip economy or business class tickets departing from Hong Kong on Tuesdays by entering the code 85TUE! Destinations include popular cities such as Bangkok Seoul, Taipei, Tokyo and Bali . Each booking can include up to 5 people, both adults and children. Book now: bit.ly/852HKA

Booking Period: From now until September 30, 2024
Travel Period: August 27, 2024, to December 10, 2024

*Remarks: 1) The promo code offer is only applicable to tickets purchased on the official Hong Kong Airlines website. 2) Flight availability on the website may vary, please refer to the website for details. 3) Terms and conditions apply.