【香港快運11週年 限時飛行套票 飛更多「遊」你選擇!🌟】

【香港快運11週年 限時飛行套票 飛更多「遊」你選擇!
【UO 11th Anniversary Limited-Time Fly PassFly More, Your Choice! 】

11週年優惠另一重驚喜~限時新登登登場嘅-飛行套票!一個價錢俾各位UO粉絲兩次享受,預訂任意1+1來回機票組合總票價低至港幣88元* 可以飛多個亞洲熱門航點,包括日本、韓國、泰國、越南、中國內地等目的地均可自由配搭, 即係每程低至港幣22元*,仲平過搭巴士 !搶先一步買好,提早mark定年假咪唔使同同事爭請假囉~

想約埋老Best短途旅行、或者計劃期待已久嘅家庭旅行,一次過買多幾套, 唔駛慢慢填form,一次過book哂唔駛煩 !想點飛,飛行套票都滿足到你嘅需求,即刻㩒入去指定網站買買買或了解更多:https://bit.ly/3NAmyFK


Another wave of 11th Anniversary Offer is here, featuring the limited time launch of Fly Pass! With one price, UO fans can enjoy two trips. Book any 1+1 round-trip combo with total fares as low as HKD 88*, one-way fare from just HKD 22*, even cheaper than a bus ride. To fly more, don’t miss out on our new Fly Pass! Mix and match popular Asian destinations, including Japan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, the Chinese Mainland, and more. Be the first to get your Fly Pass and apply for annual leaves early—no need to compete with your colleagues for vacation days!

Whether you're planning a short trip with your best friend, or gearing up for a long-awaited family vacation, skip the hassle of filling out forms, book multiple Fly Passes at once to meets all your travel needs. Click here to learn more and book on the designated website now: https://bit.ly/3NAlxxn

Booking Period: Now until 24 October 2024 (23:59)
Travel Period: 4 November, 2024 – 15 November, 2025* (may varies amongst different destinations)

是次優惠只適用於指定活動網站,並不適用於香港快運手機應用程式或微信小程序。Offers are not applicable via HK Express mobile app and WeChat mini-app.

*優惠數量有限,受細則及條款約束。每張飛行套票只適用同一旅客預訂及由香港出發的來回機票,票價不包括相關稅項及附加費。實際結算金額可隨匯率而變動,以系統顯示為準。Limited availability. Terms and conditions apply. Fly Pass is available for same passenger booking only and valid for round-trip bookings originating from Hong Kong. Fares do not include taxes and surcharges. The final settlement amount is subject to the exchange rate; please refer to the system display.
