東薈城名店倉 「Marshville戶外滑雪樂園」

搵緊一個充滿聖誕氣氛,多嘢行、多嘢玩嘅地方?咁就要Follow me,Follow me~跟實導航去「Marshville戶外滑雪樂園」,聚集咗各式各樣嘅市集攤位,無論係 #聖誕創意手作#節日禮物都 可以輕鬆入手!仲有 #三大戶外打卡位,包括積雪重重包圍嘅「滑雪場拱木閘機」、6米高嘅「雪花FUN飛聖誕樹」同可愛爆登嘅「冬日雪Hill纜車站」,點打卡都咁靚!
而想留低專屬節日回憶,就要體驗韓國人氣手繪 #人生四格漫畫,或者小朋友們就可以化身做小司機,喺「東薈城名店倉 x 平治冬日迷你電動車樂園」享受揸車嘅樂趣~活動咁豐富,大人細路都啱玩,今個聖誕梗係要嚟啦
Looking for a Christmas full of festive ambience with all the festive fun? Follow me to Marshville Outdoor Ski Park, where you can find various stalls featuring everything from Christmas handcrafts and festive gifts and more! 3 instagrammable hotspots including the ski resort's entrance, 6-meter-tall 'Snowflake Christmas Tree' and adorable 'Marshville Cable Car' are here for you to explore!
Don’t forget to capture festive memories by commemorating your holiday outing with your very own four-grid comic from an artist or bring your children to the 'Citygate Outlets x Mercedes-Benz Winter Adventure Park’ to experience an electric ride as a future driver! Immerse yourself in the season of joy at this winter wonderland!
「Marshville戶外滑雪樂園」詳情 Market Details
地點Location:四樓平台廣場(鄰近稻成京川滬)The Piazza on L4 (Near Dab-pa Peking & Szechuan Cuisine)
日期Date:2024.12.13-15, 20-22 & 25-26
時間Time:每日1pm – 8pm daily (2024.12.25 將開放至晚上10時 will open until 10pm)
了解更多 Learn more:https://bit.ly/3AZw0Qr